
Anyone know how to change out an old iPod for a new one?

by  |  earlier

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I'm getting a new iPod and replacing my old mini. How do I chenage it out on my computer so it (itunes) recognizes the new one instead of the old one. And how can I put my old one on my girlfriends cpu so she can have and use it? Please help!!! : )




  1. i think all u have to do is plug the old one into ur girlfriend's computer and just have her download itunes, then it should let her use it im pretty sure (never really tried it) im not very sure about how to replace the old ipod,but one time one of my brothers friends got an ipod and didnt have a computer so he had to come here so he could try to add music, i think it would've worked but it would've taken a long time to check off the music and he didn't want to wait

    maybe this helped a little bit :D i think it'll automatically use the new ipod, just have to register it again i guess

  2. Just plug in your new iPod the same way. You have to tweak the settings, however, so that your new iPod can take your old songs.

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