
Anyone know how to change the way one thinks? I'm lost. I recently acquired sobriety...

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Now that I've gone through major life changes, one minute I feel relief and free of my addiction and the next I feel chained and helpless. I just can't seem to get out of the 'bad' modes of thinking. This way traps me. I am not sure how to get out from underneath and therefore can't move.




  1. It will still be difficult despite the fact that you are no longer physically addicted. Depending on the extent of your addiction you may never get over it. Drug addiction changes a person brain chemistry. It can take years for your brain to start producing chemicals like Dopamine again.  Good luck.

  2. If you are recently sober, it is very normal to still think about your addiction, I mean it basically ran for life for how long and now it doesn't.  The best thing to do is try to sty away from three things: people, places, things of your use..anybody, any place or anything that had to do with your addiction..and definitely try meetings NA or AA they do help millions of people, best of luck to you...

  3. Try Jesus Christ

  4. It takes months, maybe even years depending on the drug you used for your brain to fully recover from extensive drug use.  What happens is that your neurons actually start producing less of the chemicals when they are bombarded with massive stimulation from drugs.  This can cause depression and other mood problems.  Anyway, I suggest seeing a psychiatrist they can even prescribe medications that might even out our neurochemistry.

    I notice a lot of people suggest praying to God and Jesus Christ.  That may have some psychological value, but otherwise God and Jesus will not help you through anything because they aren't there.  I don't know if you attend AA meetings, but they are like a cult.  I found that educating myself about my mental illness and such was the best thing to do rather than pray to a God to fix things for me.

  5. You are having a chemical imbalance.  You are going to need some medical intervention.  You can make it through this but it is going to take quite a while.  Just keep dealing only with the NOW  not the past (you can't change that)...not the FUTURE (you are not there yet)...just the NOW.  Hang is there I know it will be tough, but you can do it.  

  6. Keep yourself busy at all times.

  7. Like has been said already, it will take a while for your brain and body to get back to the balance that is you, the way you would be without the additives you put into your system. During that period it is important to keep busy doing something that takes your mind off the problem while feeling good about yourself too, maybe volunteer somewhere giving to others and getting the thanks from them always makes me feel good, but know that as time goes by it will get easier, I promise, you will forget who you were and wonder how you could ever have been that person. You will be happier more constructive, able to think of more things to do with your time instead of how can i get a drink tonight. Hang in there it WILL be worth it.  

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