
Anyone know how to deal with eye floaters?

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Recently have gotten eye floaters. I feel there is an answer to everything out there. Anyone know how to get rid of them?




  1. thjjtmthjm

  2. depending on your age and your history they can be a sign of high blood pressure or glaucoma. That is worst case scenerio.

    Get your eyes checked and tell the eye DR your seeing floaters.

  3. Wow my dad has the same problem! Ask your eye doctor

  4. ignore them.

  5. If the floaters look like quick streaks going across your eye when you exert yourself that's bad. It could be the signs of a detached retina or high blood pressure. If they look like tubes they are actually old blood vessels left over from when your eye was forming. They are in the eye itself and are totally harmless. Almost everyone can see them from time to time.

  6. nope just ignore them, at least my eye doc didnt seem to care enought about them to recomend anything even though i brought them up as a concern.  they do eventually go away on their own, assuming you dont get anything else back there

  7. learn to live with them.  Wife works for an eye doctor and says they can come with age.  If they get really bad go to your doc though cause could be the start of a retinal detachment.

  8. I haven't tried this yet.. though my partner's mother said she had the same thing and went to an eye doctor who said she's got dry eyes and to use drops (ones you buy from the super-market/chemist) Since she told me that, i have noticed that my eyes are quite dry.. I wake in the morning and have to blink heaps to try and get them working again haha. I'm only 19, so i'm pretty sure age has nothing to do with it. Maybe you could try drops and if that doesn't work, see a doctor about it? Hope that helps!

  9. just enjoy them! i get them sometimes and they are awesome

  10. Quit daydreaming and get back to work.....also you could try eye drops.

  11. You need to see an eye doctor!

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