
Anyone know how to do a Kickflip? and a higher ollie whilst moving?

by  |  earlier

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Kinda stuck atm ;(




  1. Yeh it just takes time. All u gotta do is practice on the spot first of all. Wen u stamp the pop end slide ur other foot up the grip tape to the corner closest to your body. Most important part is timing, the moment you pop with 1 foot u shud nearly be sliding the other simultaneously, but just after. Try not to do this all 2 fast or you will keep getting the same results, just try popping it and sliding ur foot enough so the the deck just lands upside down and u land on the under of the board, this will at least get you doing the actions right and you wont be sliding to hard and making the board go outa control, once u can do this okay start fliping the board the full way and just landing it with 1 foot only to get comfortable, ur body will naturally do this anyway. They u will gradually start to feel comfortable and landing it with 2 feet. Then wen u r ready to do it while you are moving it is just practice and timing.

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