
Anyone know how to get mold stains out of colored clothing?

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I made the mistake of storing some of our seasonal clothes in a damp basement thinking the Rubbermaid container would

protect them. Many of the items have mold stains that will not come out. I've tried Oxy Clean and Dawn dish liquid. I can't use Bleach due to the clothes being mostly bright colors. Is there any product out there designed for mold that won't bleach?




  1. Try some white vinegar, apply directly to the stains, let soak then rinse...

  2. SOAK them in oxiclean, it WILL work

    oxiclean works magic when you Soak with it.

    don't just add it to the wash.

  3. Mold stains black and cannot be removed.  I have been doing laundry for 50 years and have never been able to get it out.  The only resort you have is to bleach, which will only fade the stains somewhat.  If they are already ruined, then you have nothing to lose.  After bleaching, you might resort to dyeing the items, which will lessen the impact of the stains.  Rit sells a color remover product which may be just a stronger bleach, and should be used before dyeing.  Sorry about the loss of clothes.  It happens to most of us at some time.

  4. sorry no your just gonna have to go to the store and gets more. god bless you and get rid of those clothes FAST

  5. My daughter took my mom's senior prom dress from the '20's and played dress-ups with it and left in the playhouse and it got wet and mildewed everywhere!  I was absolutely furious. So I took some oxyclean powder and Coke or Pepsi and poured them together on the mildewed parts.  I rubbed it into the material.  (Mind you, this is dress is 80 years old) I then threw it in the washing machine on delicate.  When I pulled it out, there was not one spot of mildew on that dress anywhere!  I was shocked!

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