
Anyone know how to ice skate.?

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I have been asked out by friends to a rink tonight and I dont have a clue how to skate. Any tips?




  1. Yeah I love skating.

    Okay so what you want to do first is get use to walking on skates.

    -Walk around the rink on the padding section of it. never walk on anything other than that cause its bad for your blade. then as soon as you have enough balance walking/standing on them, step on the ice.

    -if the place as a wall hold on to the wall while you get on. if not hopefully your friends no enough about skating and can hold you up.

    -Once your on, have one hand on the wall and the other straight out. Then just glide and push off a little. its okay to bend your knees when you skate. do a few laps around like that. slowly start taking your hand off the side but keep it out. thats for balance.

    -when your fully off the wall, glide a little. if your having trouble going by yourself push off from the wall. start out with a little push. then get a bigger push, ect. after your push your self glide your feet. make sure your centered and balanced.

    -soon you won't need to use the wall. to do a push off you put your feet next to each other or in T-form. if your put them next to each other take your dominate foot and push. dig into the ice. if your in a T-form take your bag leg and dig into the ice then push.

    Below are a lot of videos you can use to help if you still don't understand or you just want to see someone do it.

  2. If i was you i would stick to the side its like riding a scooter just push one foot and lift it up and push ^^

    Good luck xx

  3. Basically when I teach beginners I tell them to firstly walk so they can get there ballance. I guess you have walked on ice with shoes and it's basically the same. When you feel a bit more confident you can start pushing with one foot then the other like you see people do when they are just skating around. And remember bend your knees and keep your arms out for balance. Remember to get some decent skates and wear some thick (ish) socks and tie the boots up properly so your feet don't turn in. If you fall (It is fun to fall!) Fall to the side rater than fowards and try not to hold hands with any one who is also a bit wobberly, it really doesn't help and makes you more unstable. Have fun and good luck

  4. Lean slightly forwards and makes sure the skates go forward away from you at about 40 odd degrees is a good start

    These clever people had to do it first and they were c**p and all

  5. Bring dry clothes to change into for after.  Including undies and a jacket just in case.  Oh,  and if you're going to fall don't grab onto another person.  It's just rude! :)  Ice skating is something you have to just do.  I don't think there are many tips you can get.  Have fun!

  6. Just keep your arms out for balence, stay steady, take long glides, and have fun. They are just your friends if they are true they wont care how good you are!

  7. I teach figure skating lessons.

    Bend your knees.

    Hold your arms out, at least untill your comfortable, since I know if might be somewhat embarassing with your friends.

    Lean forward just a little bit, but not much.

    don't look down, or else that is where you will go!

  8. its like rolerblading. you just walk on the ice apart from you you keep your feet flat. so youre gliding. If you have never been before you may fall down, but thats where the fun is. you will get used to it and balance just fine after :)

  9. bent knees. DO NOT bend the back.

  10. Yes.. stay upright.

  11. Yes I play peewee ice hockey AA. You stride sideways. Don't lean back at all. Move your arms straight like when you run you know how you move them back and forwards? Do that also. Here is a link to a 3d skater doing it.

    This guys moves his arms differently than I told you. But the way I told you is the way my coach told me. Whatever works for you though. Hope I helped. Actually he does move his arms like I told you. It is just that from that view it doesn't look like it. Pay close attention and he is holding a hockey stick moving his arms like a told you.

  12. Just imagine your roller blading..

    Slowly push your feet in and out  but gently and the more you do the faster you go .

    Hope this helps =] xx

  13. yes... =D well, first start at the wall or with a help of your friends... bend your knees, keep the balance, and just dont be afraid to fall, just that..!

    By: AleD!=) xoxo♥

  14. pretty much the same as regular roller blading...its not hard, everytime you fall people will laugh and kick you

  15. check out this site:

  16. i use to play ice hockey =]

    just erm.. dont walk in then push out diagonally and cross over when you going around corners

    its not that hard

    and most people at ice rings are rubbish anyways

  17. stay close to the side till you feel confident

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