
Anyone know how to name a star?

by  |  earlier

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Does anyone know how much it is to get star named after someone? Or the official website?




  1. Sorry--the short answer is that you can't.

    There are scam companies that will "let you name a star"--for $30-50.  And send you a nice certificate they ran off their laser printer.

    However, the official body that names stars is the International Astronomical Union--and they do not recognize or endorse these rip-off companies. Nor do they accept their "names."

    Use the money to get that someone a nice dinner or something else that's real.

  2. That is such a colossal rip off. It doesn't even get recorded into any legitimate astronomy database. Nobody is ever going to look through a telescope and say "The object appears to be moving at a high rate of speed 3 degrees southwest of Brenda Emily McFarson". I wouldn't be surprised if they balled up the certificate records and chucked them in the trash after they were done with you.  

  3. If you send me $50 i'll make an awesome looking photoshop certificate of ownership and i'll you coordinates and a map of the sky from Google Earth I printed off showing which one is yours.

    That's basically what you're getting from the "real deals", let me know.

  4. The only organization that can legally name stars is the International Astronomical Union, and they don't name them after people.  Ever.  There are plenty of organizations that will claim to name a star after you, but they (1) are for 'entertainment value only', (2) each sell the same stars, and (3) have already 'sold' all the bright ones you can see without a observatory-class telescope.  So don't waste your money.  If you were planning on buying a star for someone who's interested in astronomy, they probably know this already and would be embarrassed if you fell for this scam.

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