
Anyone know how to play bs?

by  |  earlier

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ok theres a card game called bs, (which stands for bull***) and ive played it once, but i dont really remember how, can you tell me how? id like to know

how many cards you each start off with?

if certain cards are worth points, then what cards are worth what?

do you look at the cards when you first get them?

and any other info is really much appreciated! thx! =]




  1. The cards are dealt out like in the card game War or Egyptian rat race until there are no more cards left to deal.

    the person to the left of the dealer goes first. The first person has to play an ace face down in the middle. the next player has to play a 2 face down. the next a 3 face down, the next a 4 face down, etc. The person after the person who played a king has to play an ace. When the person who has to play a card (let's say, a 2,) and the player doesn't have a two, then they have to take any card from their hand, put it down, and say they had put a 2 down. At any time, someone can accuse someone of not putting down the card that the person said they put down. If the accuser is correct, then the person who played the card has to pick up the pile where people have been putting their cards face down. If the accuser is wrong, then the accuser has to pick up the pile of cards. The winner is the person who gets rid of their cards first.

  2. First, you deal out all the cards evenly to each player.  Then the player left of the dealer goes first by placing an Ace facedown into the middle of the group.  They can place any number of cards into the pile.  "3 Aces", then everyone has a chance to call out BS.  If they do, the 3 cards are flipped and revealed.  If the caller is correct (A, A, 2) then the player has to pick up the pile.  If the caller is incorrect (A, A, A) then they have to pick up the pile.  Then play continues onto the next player who has to put any number of 2's down.  They have to put down at least 1 card each turn, whether or not they actually have it.  "I put down one 2".  If no one calls BS, then play continues.  Once they reach King, the next player starts over with Ace.

    This game is much more fun with more players.  But once it goes down to 2, it's pretty much a stalemate, unless someone has at least 1 of each card, because you will know what the other player has.  Then they can play out and win.

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