
Anyone know how to use/work a Canon AE-1 camera?????????

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Modern Classic SLR Series

The Canon AE-1 - Camera

please help, thanks




  1. The AE1 is an aperture priority, you pick the aperture the camera picks the shutter speed. Shutter priority, you pick the shutter speed, the camera picks the aperture, Program, you just point the camera and shoot, the camera does everything or Manual, you set the aperture and shutter speed by using the needle in the view finder.

  2. If you have the Owner's Manual it will explain everything.If you don't have it, you should be able to find a copy on eBay or at

    An excellent companion to the Owner's Manual would be "How To Select & Use Canon SLR Cameras" by Carl Shipman.

  3. Yeah, I used one a few years ago. I've quit using film cameras because digital photography is cheaper and more convenient. If you've got the skills, patience, and good lenses, it still might be worth your while.

    Set the film speed k**b (top left) to the film speed you are using. My friend recommends moving it down a notch on this camera. With the k**b set to 'P' (program), the exposure metering will be automatic. Depending on the lens you have, the aperture ring might have an 'A' (auto) setting, in which case the aperture will be automatic as well; otherwise, you will have to set this manually.  

    When you push the shutter button halfway (or push the button on the left side of the camera), it will turn on the light meter. There is a display inside the viewfinder that tells you the shutter speed the camera wants to use. The 'AE Lock' button works the same, but will lock the speed and aperture settings based on what the camera is pointed at when you press the button. Make sure the speed is at least 1/125, unless you've got a steady hand or a tripod. If using a flash it should be 1/60. Program (P) will do this for you.

    The AE1 will require you to focus manually. Many viewfinders will have a grid that will become transparent when the subject is in focus. There are numbers on the lens that tell you the distance (in feet and meters) in which a subject will be in focus, based on the aperture you use (depth-of-field). After you take a picture, you pull the black lever to advance the film. when it gets to the end, you won't be able to advance it any more. Then, you push the black button on the bottom and rewind it with the reel at the top-left. Open the door by pulling the lever up firmly.

    The camera uses a 6v lithium battery. You can push the battery test button, and it will beep rapidly if it is good.

    That's about all I can tell you. These cameras were pretty reliable except for the shutter. If the bearings dry out it will make a chirping noise, and eventually lock up. If that's not the case, you have a great camera!


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