
Anyone know if any of the AFL football players are ticklish?

by  |  earlier

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Anyone know if any of the AFL football players are ticklish?




  1. Well Im not entirely sure, but I bet a fair few of them would be behind the knees. Most guys if they are tend to have their weakest spot there!

  2. Dunno, but i don't mind founding out for you.....

  3. I don't know

    some must be all of them cant be not ticklish

  4. Not sure about that. Some must be. I would love to find out if Ben Cousins is!!

  5. What the?!? What kind of question is that?

    And more importantly, why would you care?

  6. i heard that

  7. they all are believe me especially the sswwwaannniiieeesss when i rub them with my feathers

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