
Anyone know of a Christian Tattoo Parlor in San Antonio Texas?

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I know that there is the CTA (christian tattoo association) but I am trying to find a parlor close to me here in San Antonio. I'm also open to just hearing about any really good parlors in the city.




  1. There's a WHAT?!?  A Christian tattoo association?  ...Should I even ask why?

    They no longer have a working site.  I was going to say that you could contact them and ask for a directory, but I guess that won't work.  Take your chances and if it turns out that Jesus hates tattoos, I'll see you in h**l!  :)

    EDIT:  Info on this "association": "The Christian Tattoo Association is a non-profit, tax-exempt ministry to tattoo artists and enthusiasts. The main goal of the CTA is to share the Gospel with tattoo artists and enthusiasts. This is achieved by attending local and national tattoo conventions, developing relationships which provide avenues for personal witnessing, sharing our faith through the internet, printed page and conducting bible studies and worship services. The CTA is not a Christian society trying to separate Christian tattooers and tattoo enthusiasts from the influences of the world. We are a ministry designed to assist born-again Christians in taking the Gospel of Jesus to those who have not yet heard the good news."

    Ohhh, so they are looking to recruit people any old place they can find them.  Well!  That makes sense, now.

  2. A Christian tattoo parlor...?  Isn't that some sort of contradiction of sorts?

    "Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD."

    Leviticus 19:28

  3. everyone has their own opinions about it, but no one's going to h**l because they got a tattoo. ultimately, it's your faith, not your deeds. you can be a Christian, go to church once a week, take communion on a regular basis, and own a Bible but that doesn't mean you have a relationship with God. in the end, He's the only one that can judge you. if you feel convicted on getting one, then don't; it's as simple as that. otherwise, **** what others are saying about not being a "real Christian."

  4. Huh? are you serious?

    In the Bible is says not to mark your body, well not in those words, so I think it is kinda ironic to have a Tat parlor for christians.

    no pun, I have one...;)

  5. How funny...I thought Christians were to honor and not deface their temples, I mean bodies.

  6. What Christian would mutilate their body?  Not a real one.

  7. Don't do it It remains forever.  Besides why not lke your body the way it is?  The Lord does..........

  8. are you kidding me, is there such a thing as a Christian tattoo parlor?  on the bright side at least this shows us that not all Christians are fanatical enough to take every word of the bible at face value

  9. Oh, get over your faith.

    Christian or not a tattoo according to the bible is blasphemous.

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