
Anyone know of a Maltese Restaurant/Cafe in London?

by  |  earlier

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I can kind a million other cuisines but not Maltese! HELP!

PS: Links to Timeout, Square Meal etc are not welcome.

PPS: Before you go crazy with all the Malteser related japes, they've all been done and none are really that funny ;-)




  1. Why do you want a Maltese restaurant all they serve is burgers and chips, chicken and chips, rabbit and chips, swordfish and chips.

  2. Come to Malta in this fricken temperature so you'll have a Maltese dish!! wow...I prefer Chinese and Italian Cusine!

  3. This person is looking for a Maltese restaurant not a Maltese person selling British junk food.

    I've beeen to London several times. Your best bet would be Soho.

  4. DON'T get cross if you can't find a Maltese place

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