
Anyone know of a good accreditted homeschool kinda online college??

by  |  earlier

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So i have a fulltime job and a partime job that both take up all my time, not to mention a family too. So I am looking, for a do it at your own pace online college were i can get an AA and BA in criminal justice and psychology. Some require that you attend online classes at certain hours of the day, and i just want to be able to do it all on my own like they give me the lesson plan, and i do it and then email it to them. does anything like exist?? and one that is accreditted by the HLC??




  1. Glurpy is right that it is not called homeschooling...

    Look into Indiana University, Governor's State University, Thomas Edison, Indiana State University... well probably at least half of all accredited colleges offer programs online these days.

    The course and degree requirements are going to vary from college to college and even program to program at the same college...  Some are self-paced and others are more rigid schedule wise.

    The one I point to below is Indiana State degree completion program for Criminal Justice...

  2. It's not called homeschooling when it's done in college, so don't search online for homeschool college.

    You can try this search page , but you'll have to check the structure of the program and the accreditation yourself.

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