
Anyone know of a good recipe for tamales? Thanks.?

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Anyone know of a good recipe for tamales? Thanks.?




  1. Tamales

    Meat Mixture:

    5 pounds ground chuck

    1/2 cup diced red pepper

    1/2 cup dried onions

    1/2 cup garlic powder

    1/4 cup salt

    Water, to cover

    Combine all ingredients with water and cook until meat is done. Strain meat and set aside. Reserve liquid for later use.

    Meal Mixture:

    7 1/2 pounds plain cornmeal

    1/4 box salt

    1 1/2 cups fresh ground onion

    1/2 cup fresh ground garlic

    Chile powder

    Cumin powder

    Combine all ingredients and mix well. Grind in grinder and add to meal mixture. Add 1 gallon of reserved liquid from meat mixture. Mix well. Let meat and meal mixtures cool overnight in refrigerator.

    Tamale Boil Mixture:

    1 tablespoon salt

    1/2 tablespoon garlic powder

    Dash red pepper

    Cumin powder and chile powder, to taste

    3 ounces tomato paste

    1 gallon water

    Combine ingredients in a large pot and put over high heat. While boil mixture is heating, spread meal mixture in tamale wrapper. Add meat mixture to center. Roll tamales. Either corn shucks or tamale papers may be used. Prepare according to package instructions. Place tamales in large pot. Pour boil mixture over tamales and cook for 3 hours. Remove from heat and set aside for 30 minutes. Add more water to cover. Cook for 1 additional hour.

    This recipe was provided by professional chefs and has been scaled down from a bulk recipe provided by a restaurant. The FN chefs have not tested this recipe, in the proportions indicated, and therefore, we cannot make any representation as to the results.


  2. Good Gollee Tamales

    Nicely cooked within a corn husk, these pork and corn-flour tamales are superb.


    1/2 lb. large corn husks

    5 lbs. pork

    2 (10 oz.) cans Enchilada Sauce

    1/3 C. chili powder

    6 C. Masa Harina


    Cook meat in water until tender. Salt to taste. Prepare the Masa Dough as directed on package for tamales. Mix Enchilada sauce and chili powder with the meat and simmer 5 minutes. You may want to add more chili powder. Rinse and soak the corn husks till pliable. Drain thoroughly. Spread about 2 T. dough on lower half of husk. Put 2 or 3 T. meat mixture on dough. Fold one side over, then fold the second side over a little past the middle. It should hold together because of the dough. Fold the end up. Place folded end down in steamer, making sure it doesn't tip. Put husks on top of filled steamer. Cover and steam about 45 minutes or till dough peels away from corn husk. Don't let steamer boil dry! Makes about 35 tamales. May be frozen.

  3. Authentic Mexican Tamales


    5 lbs lean pork or beef, cooked and shredded

    6-7 lbs fresh masa harina flour

    1 1/2 lbs lard

    1 tablespoon salt

    1 1/2 pints red chili sauce

    1 bunch corn husks(oujas)


    1To make tamales, cook meat by boiling in a large covered pot with enough water to cover completely.

    2Add salt to taste and slow boil till completely done.

    3Cool meat and save broth.

    4When meat has cooled, shred and mix in the chili sauce.

    5Clean oujas (corn shucks or outer husk) in warm water.

    6(make masa by hand or with mixer) Mix the masa, lard, salt and enough broth to make a smooth paste.

    7Beat till a small amount (1 tsp) will float in a cup of cool water.

    8Spread masa (1/8 to 1/4 inch thick layer, or to preference) on ouja, add a small amount of meat and roll up.

    9Fold up ends of ouja and place (fold down) on a rack in a pan deep enough to steam.

    10Add 1 to 2 inches water, cover with a tight fitting lid and steam about 1 1/2 hours.

    11(a cloth can be used under the lid to make a tighter fit) You can use a combination of beef and pork, use chicken or even fried beans.

    12One or two olives may be added to the center or try adding a few raisins.

    13This recipe will make 4 to 5 dozen Mexican tamales

  4. I've included a link for you also...


      Since I like to make big batches of tamales (double or triple recipes), I suggest cooking the meat on one day, and then making the tamales the next day.  This makes a nice weekend project.  Understand, though, that if you make a big batch you can freeze them and then enjoy them all winter. This page will take you step by step through the process of preparing and cooking the meat.

    Tamale Meat Ingredients:

    1 pork roast (6-8 pounds)

    1 large chicken (5 pounds)

    Garlic powder (large bottle)

    Chili Powder (We use Gibhardts but any will do)

    Cumino (Cumin)

    Corn Oil

    The tamale meat is made from a combination of Pork Roast and Chicken.  Below we show you how to prepare this combination.

    Cook and Shred Pork Roast:

    Start with 1 pork roast. Cut the roast into fist size chunks. Put the chunks into a Pan, and cover with water. Boil for about 2 1/2 hours or until it becomes really tender. After the meat is really tender, take it out of the broth to cool (Save the Broth, you will need it for the Masa!)

    After the roast chunks are cool enough to handle easily, shred them with your fingers.  Try to remove and discard the fat as you go.  There is no need to throw a lot of fat into the tamales.  If you have cooked the roast chunks thoroughly, it will be easy to shred into small pieces with your fingers.

    Cook and Shred Chicken:

    Cover the chicken with water in a large pot, and boil for 2 hours, or until the chicken is done and tender. Take the chicken out of the broth and allow the chicken to cool. (Save the Chicken Broth as well!) Remove and discard the skin. Take the chicken meat off the bones and  shred the it into very small filaments.  Discard any large chunks of fat.

    Combine Pork and Chicken:

    Combine both meats in very large pan, and mix together. Make sure that the meats are thoroughly combined and mixed well. You are now ready to add the seasoning:

    Add the Spices and Seasonings:

    Mix the oil and seasonings listed below in a small pan and warm on the stove. Do not cook the oil and seasonings mix, but just gently warm on the stove.

    When the oil and seasonings mix is warm, then pour over the meat and mix with your hands until it is completely distributed through the meat. It takes a good 10 minutes to get the mixture completely uniform.

    Spices and Seasonings:

    1/2 c corn oil

    6 Tablespoon Gibhartds chili powder (Other Chile Powders will work)

    3 Tablespoon garlic powder

    3 Tablespoon ground cumin (comino)

    1 Tablespoon (or less) black pepper

    2 Tablespoon salt.

    The meat is now finished.  You should put the meat in the refrigerator covered until ready to make the tamales. Put both the chicken broth and roast broth into the refrigerator as well. You will need the broth when you make the Masa.

  5. chicken tamales

    Mexican Recipe Ingredients:

    6 cups Maseca Corn Masa Mix for Tamales

    6 cups Chicken broth

    1 cup corn oil

    2 tsp salt

    1 tsp baking powder

    1 1/2 large rotisserie chicken

    2 cans salsa verde or tomatillo sauce

    1 bag corn husks

    Mexican Recipe Instructions:

    Soak the corn husks in warm water until soft.

    Blend with an electric mixer Maseca corn masa mix for tamales, corn oil, salt, baking powder and the chicken broth to obtain a consistent mixture.

    Shred the chicken and marinate in the green salsa or tomatillo sauce.

    Spread masa evenly over corn husks, and spread a spoonful of marinated chicken on top of the masa.

    Fold the sides of the corn husk to center over the masa so that they overlap to make along package.

    Fold the empty part of the husk under so that it rest against the side of the tamale with a seam.

    Place the tamales in a steamer and cook tamales for 35-40 minutes. Check every 20 minutes.The tamales are cooked when they separate easily from the corn husk.

    Enjoy this delicious chicken tamales!

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