
Anyone know of a good wooden boat building book?

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I'd like to try building a wooden boat, but the book that I have is too advanced for a novice like me. Does anyone have any suggestions for a good book with plans for a novice builder? Thanks.




  1. James gets my vote...WoodenBoat magazine has dozen of plans and even better ongoing articles with directions and picture of how to build various designs.....they just finished a series so you may want the last three issues....they are incredibly helpful and knowledgeable on boats under 20 feet.

    ( If you are building bigger then Bud MacIntosh's How To Build A Wooden Boat is all you'll ever need)

  2. I'd go with Glen-L as well.  I've built a few boats from their designs.

  3. Buy any copy of Wooden Boat Magazine.  In the back there are several plans for sale for small boats.  They also have an online store with book titles like "50 boats you can build"  or "How to build the Nutshell Pram".  I have seen at least 150 books at their online store and I have the two books I mentioned above.  They are well written and can be followed by a novice.  I hope this helps you out

  4. Glen-L Marine Designs has several good books and videos, and also sells wooden boat plans, kits and materials.

  5. Check out West Systems Epoxy. They have a publication called "Wooden Boat".

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