
Anyone know of a job that last for only two weeks? A temp job?

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Anyone know of a job that last for only two weeks? A temp job?




  1. Search on (& other job sites) for casual/vacation positions. I have found many positions that are only temporary posted on this site. Many are data entry positions or admin positions, others may be stocktake staff, customer service or events staff.

    Here's a search i did for you:

    If the link doesn't work, i chose the advanced search settings, and searched under SYDNEY jobs in ANY CLASSIFICATION and selected CONTRACT/TEMP. In the keywords i typed "2 WEEKS". A bunch of jobs came up!

    Many function/events/equipment companies require staff to set up & take down lighting/equipment, or staff to serve and wait tables during an event.

    Look through the yellow pages for such companies and email/phone a few asking if you can be put on the list of casual staff. Ive done this, and they just take down your details and when an event comes up, they'll contact you (maybe a week before, but maybe only a few days) and ask if your available to work any shifts. Its good money if you work late at gigs/concerts!!

    EDIT: has ski season jobs going for a whole range of things! I assume all ski slopes will be looking for staff over winter

  2. There are agencies designed for just that. Temp work. I'm not sure of the ones in Sydney but the Illawarra may have work for you. Try DRAKE, DMW, ADECCO, SKILLED, They all specialise in temp work both for administration and for industrial.

  3. Oh the Easter show!

    But its kinda finishing soon.

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