
Anyone know of a place online for intelligent political discourse?

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Here on Yahoo Answers - Politics and Government it seems just like a bunch of un-educated idiots (on both sides) ranting with no-one really listening.

Anyone know of an online site where you can find intelligent political discussion?




  1. Not sure but if you find one please e-mail me and let me know.  

  2. Unfortunately, it is unusual to find the words "intelligent" and "politics" in the same sentence.  Much the same as it is hard to find the words "integrity" and "politician" in the same sentence.

  3. That is very hard to find.  But what I have discovered is that you aren't going to find any intelligent discussion in a place where Democrats and Republicans are the two most-supported parties.  I have found that Ron Paul, Kucinich, Gravel, and third party supporters tend to be a lot more intelligent than blind followers of one of the two monster parties.

    Look for a place where people think for themselves, and not let the media or party platforms think for them.  Look for a place where people do not pick and choose sides on issues, but rather, debate the role of government in civilization and the relationship of government to the citizens.

  4. That's kind of a big order.

    Mostly because there are almost none.

    Things to remember.

    1) most sites are very partisan.  Tribeca's advice to go to Daily kos is beyond laughable if you want a non-partisan site to have an open discussion.

    2) Trolls are every where.  I go to a number of sites and inevitably the trolls pop up to annoy others, just because they know they can.

    3) The best places for politics is the real world.  If you want a real discussion a real debate and real information, you have to go outside to get it.

    If you want to use the internet be ready to deal with the trolls and the troglodytes that infest it.  You can't shut them out all the time.

    The only places I find with minimal trolling are the sites you generally have to register for, but even then it's hit and miss.

    Best of luck.

  5. Daily Kos.

  6. It doesn't occur on line because of the nature of the forum, anonymity and numbers requires and allows people to be outlandish to make their point rather than to have a discussion like reasonable people might.  

  7. Facebook has a lot of groups that you can discuss things of that nature.

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