
Anyone know of a service like grandcentral or privatephone that lets you have a unique voice mail phone number

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Anyone know of a service like grandcentral or privatephone that lets you have a unique voice mail phone number




  1. The reality is that most VoIP services that allow you to self-configure your account settings, can do exactly the same as GrandCentral.

    What sets GrandCentral apart from other VoIP services is that they make it easy to forward your calls to Voice Mail, or alternate phone numbers.... for free.  

    Guaranteed, GC won't do this for ever for free.

    I have a GC account, and it works great.  But they don't have local area phone numbers where I live.

    But I also use other VoIP services like CallCentric and InPhonex that can do the same things that GC does..... for a small fee.

    With these services, I can purchase a local area code phone number.

    Then, I can have calls to that number forwarded to any, or many phone numbers I choose.  Or, have the calls go directly to Voice Mail (just like GC).  And, it's quite cheap to do so.

    So, really what makes companies like GrandCentral unique is their marketing, slick user interface, and free introductory offer (but free won't last... just wait and see).  But, in reality, you can do the same thing with other existing VoIP services that are readily available.


    has a free trial too..

    Both are good, good luck!

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