
Anyone know of any Customer Service Representative at home jobs that are legit?

by  |  earlier

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I 've been searching for an at home job for quite sometime now to avoid driving back and forth to a job everyday. Some at home jobs I've came across want you to pay a fee up front to get started, but I am very skeptical about that. You should not have to pay to start working. It will be very beneficial for me to work at home due to the fact I have little sibblings to care for and other things going on at home. I would appreciate if anyone can provide me with any information pertaining at- home- work. Thank you!




  1. Your only real chance is to work for legitimate company on commission basis using your own computer.

    Anything else is just either a scam where you will not get paid at all, you will work for under $2.00 an hour or you will simply build someone else business on your own time, with your money and efforts.

  2. I think your getting two very different things confused here.  It sounds like what is asking for up front cost is not a job, but a business that you would be venturing in, which is a very good way to make a sufficient amount of money in.  Home jobs would not have start up costs.  However, the pay you receive from a home job is very little.  They only pay minimum wage.  After taxes are taken out, then your take home is below minimum wage.  If this is a sufficient amount of income, I can refer you over to a couple different home jobs where I know people have worked to make ends meet.

    If this isn't enough money, then I suggest you look into different home based business opportunities.  There are plenty of different options out there.  They are businesses that you would own and run out of your home, so there would be start up costs.  You have the same income opportunity as a traditional business without all the over head expenses.  Most everything in your home that you use daily, all become tax write off's as well.  So there are a lot of benefits in having a home based business verses a home based job.  But either way, you would be working from home.

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