
Anyone know of any animal shelters in Stuttgart, Germany?

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Looking to adopt a dog. I live in Germany for now, Stuttgart-Vaihingen. Addresses will help, but anything you can give me is great.




  1. Guest33791

     What will i do to thank Doctor EHOHO the great spell caster for the help he rendered to me? how do i appreciate him for helping me get my lover back after 6 years of breakup? this is a testimony i must share because Doctor EHOHO is a God on earth. My heart is filled with Joy because GARBE the father of my two children is back. He left me 6 years ago for GLORIA and said he does not love me any more because we had a fight, though i did all i could to get him back but my effort seems abortive just 3 days ago a friend of mine told me about Doctor EHOHO who helped her to solve all relationship problems so i decided to contact him also via email. Today i want to let the world know that Doctor EHOHO's spell is active, he is a man of his word and can be trusted 100% because as i speak now GARBE the father of my two children came back to me yesterday on his knees begging me to forgive and accept him back. Do you need help of any kind then Contact Doctor EHOHO today via Email: or cell number +2348128037847 He also cast so many spell like,

    (1) If you want your ex back.

    (2) you need a divorce in your relationship.

    (3) You want to be promoted in your office.

    (4) You want women & men to run after you.

    (5) If you want a child.

    (6) You want to be rich.

    (7) You want to tie your husband & wife to be yours forever.

    (8) If you need financial assistance.

    (9) Herbal care.

    (10) if you have any kind sickness like ( H I V/AIDS ),(CANCER) or any sickness.

    Contact him today on this Email: or cell number +2348128037847

  2. The following 'Tierheime' (Shleters) are located close to you. There will also be unoficial shelters, vets etc that have dogs for adoption. So if you can't find the right dog at any of these shelters the people at the shelters should be able to direct you to these place. Another place to look is at local vets, especially if you are looking for a puppy. Since there is still a lot of farming going on in the Stuttgart area there are always some farms that have some mixed-breed puppys to give away and the vets should be able to tell you where.

    Since you are from Vaihingen I assume you are Military. Once you get a dog make sure you take it to the vet regularily so it can get all its shots in time that way you won't have any problems taking the dog back to the US. Also, there is a 'dog tax' in Germany, make sure you inform yourself about that and if you need to pay it also or if there is an exemption for US-military

    Tierschutzverein Esslingen u. U. e.V.

    Grabbrunnenstr. 10

    73728 Esslingen

    Telefon: 0711 - 3 96 59 67

    Fax: 0711 - 3 96 59 70


    Talk to: Frau Hannelore Pfaff

    Tierschutzverein Tierfreunde Filderstadt e.V.

    Tierheim im Eichholz  

    70794 Filderstadt

    Telefon: 0711 - 7 77 56 66

    Fax: 0711 - 7 77 56 44


    Talk to:

    Frau Hanne Dressler

    Deutscher Tierschutzbund Ludwigsburg, Orts- und Kreisverband e.V.

    Kugelberg 20

    71642 Ludwigsburg

    Telefon: 07141 - 25 04 10

    Fax: 07141 - 25 04 62

    Cell: 0177 - 3 20 64 41


    Talk to: Frau Petra Motzer

    Tierschutzverein Stuttgart u.U. e.V.

    Furtwänglerstr. 150

    70195 Stuttgart

    Telefon: 0711 - 6 56 77 40

    Fax: 0711 - 65 67 74 12


    Talk to: Herr Karl Graf

  3. Hello,

    That is so kind of you and a great idea as well. I live in Germany as well and found this place:

    Stuttgart Animal Shelter

    Tierheim Stuttgart

    Tierschutzverein Stuttgart und Umgebung e.V.

    Furtwängler Str. 150

    70195 Stuttgart (Botnang)

    Ansprechpartner: Marion Wünn (Tierheimleitung)

    FON: 0711/656774-0

    FAX: 0711/656774-12



    Di-Sa 14:00-16:30



    0711/656774 - 0 (stuttgarter  tierschutz)

    Martina Bareuther

    Mahdentalstr. 2, 70569 Stuttgart - 0711/697020

    Heimtierland West

    Unter dem Birkenkopf 14, 70197 Stuttgart - 0711/650505

Question Stats

Latest activity: 9 years, 6 month(s) ago.
This question has 4 answers.


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