
Anyone know of any dancing jobs in Manchester for a fifteen year old, like fashion shows and stuff ??

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Anyone know of any dancing jobs in Manchester for a fifteen year old, like fashion shows and stuff ??




  1. hmm idk but it sounds fun!!

    i live near manchester and that would be totally awesome to do like dance catelog modeling!!!

    infact my dance teacher has an agent for me so i might try it out!

    but i dont know of anything specific sry haha

  2. Try getting work at a fashion magazine or an entertainment newspaper in your area, that will cover stuff like new clothes and movies and stuff.

  3. Do modeling at a dance catolog.

  4. Manchester is a good place for dancers, so i recommend joining your local dance club. My friend did, and when she did a show, a talent scout found her and said he wanted her to tour with a famous singer! Now she's rather famous, and is 19!

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