
Anyone know of any good birthday games for an 8yr.olds b-day party?

by  |  earlier

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My boy is turning 8 in June. And are usual game of pin the tail on the donkey. And musical chairs is gettting to old for him. Any suggestions?




  1. bob for apples.

  2. Lynn,

           What about something to the efffect of after cake and ice cream you have a sack race so they can burn off the sugar high.. Like get out some of your own "Old" pillow cases, you just need 2 really.......Two lines, and make a line on both ends with like pine cones depending on where you live, or with toilet paper... and double-up the boys, if girls are involved also double them up together without the boys.. And which ever team does the best, gets the better prize, and the team that didn't do so hot should still get a prize, just not as good as the team that won gets! Or they can do the hopping holding one leg up behind their backs, and see who goes the farthest...Have like marking spots with the same either rocks, or pine cones.. Or golf balls, around the house any kinds of markers.. Then who ever went the farthest wins a prize, and the least farthest wins a booby prize! I'd do pizza, and for the stay overs, some popcorn with M&Ms, in them....along with pizza!! Good Luck and have fun!! I love Birthday parties, when my kids were small.!! Now my youngest two are teens, and they invite less and less friends every year!! Sad but true! They've finally reached this certain teenage year. Now it's just practically family. I'm okay with that however so long as they atleast invite one friend over, for a stay over. Have Fun with your Birthday  Boy's Party!! Tell him we all said "Happy Birthday here on Yahoo!! Smile!!! :}

  3. ok, how about a scavenger hunt? If you have a basket ball hoop, you could play horse.  Or set up a mini baseball field in your back yard, or play football.

    Good luck and have fun!

  4. i think u should go to da parkwith a piniata and pizza let them let out there energy thats what i did

  5. bobbing for apples

    water gun fight

    water balloon toss




    hot potato

    capture the flag

  6. scavengr hunt!!!!!

  7. uhhhh halo 3, gta 4, crackdown, GH, rock and, anything with violence will suit him well

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