
Anyone know of any good dive shops that hire new dive masters?

by  |  earlier

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I feel like my " lack of experience" will leave me hanging. Everyone has to start somewhere right? I don't care what city I have to be at, I just want to dive.

** NOTE- for the swimmers that delete this post- This section is about diving too. Not just pool diving and a lot of people do ask scuba questions on here. So please STOP DELETING MY POSTS.It's rude. thanks.




  1. I'm surprised you're not interning at the shop you certified with. That's usually the best way about it. You get paid a pittance and do it on a part time basis while keeping your day job but you gain the experience you need for the dream job. I saw someone mention some of the job boards. Be wary of some of those job offers. Many are with start ups that promise more than they deliver and once they have you in country, getting out easily can be difficult. Especially if they haven't paid you.

  2. A couple of the certifying agencies have a section devoted to scuba employment

    You can also check out classifed section link is in sources.

    Most of the rpofessional divemasters out in the scuba work world are also instructors because they (sad to say) are more marketable.

    You might also want to check out opportunities available on cruise ships.

  3. Do you belong to any Dive Clubs? Networking would seem to be a very good idea for you to start looking.

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