
Anyone know of any good paranormal investigative theory sites?

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Maybe a group that would answer an email or maybe give a call?




  1. There are really a lot of sites there. here are a few:

    These are just a few there are lots more.

    I have had the IGHS at ghostweb  respond to several of my emails and  Troy Taylor of  Prairie ghosts responded to one. I have not emaile the others , so I do not know if they wil respond or not.


  2. Likely there is an excellent group in your state/city that does investigative work. however, if you are looking for some online instruction, I highly recommend checking out the Toronto Ghost and Haunting Society website. They have tons of free information to help you learn more about investigations and the professionalism and ethics involved.

    I hope that helps :)

  3. in the paranormal section will give you many places to check for info and groups..  And there are other sites, but right now, I can't remember them.

  4. There are so many theories out there it would astound you.  And most come from any one who wants to make one up.  There are no regulations on it at all.  I have come up with theories of my own, but I always tell people that they are mine.

    I do a lot of field work which is where I came up with them.  And that is really the only way to do it.  Test out what you hear for your self.

  5. Well, just do search on "paranormal investigation" and

    visit some of the websites. Most of them have a page

    called something like "ghost theories" which often

    have very similar info on the classes of phenomina.

    Now as to what to do about it, they usually have no

    good ideas. That's where you forget the investigators

    and find the people who have a tradition of dealing

    with it. They are much easier to find today than they

    used to be, since we are no longer under threat of

    being burned at  the stake, LOL

    I'd recommend finding someone in your area, so

    they can visit the site of the events (if any). I work

    "long distance" sometimes, but it's hard. Better to

    be there, of course.

    One last point... make sure you know who you're

    talking to. There are some people who you might

    be better off not to get involved with, if you know

    what I mean...


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