
Anyone know of any horse racing systems that actually work?

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Anyone know of any horse racing systems that actually work?




  1. Former free lance horse racing writer here , am 60 years old. There are a lot of good systems printed over the years on how to win money at horse racing , books, videos, articles, etc. Usually it is not the system that fails but people fail and end up betting just to bet a horse race for the action. The key to a winning system is how many consecutive losers does it produce before hitting for a win . By that I mean , does it win fairly often and when it does lose , are the losing streaks short before another win happens . You can buy books on horse racing strategys or racing systems etc and you must do the leg work on paper first to see the results . Always always look for the bad in a system you are trying out . If the losing streaks in the system is short term before it hits , you just might have a good one . Hope that helps you out , Tony

  2. yeah... you walk around the stalls before the race and look for the horse with the biggest red rocket...if u remember that horse he will win... it shows high amounts of testosterone which is proven to benefit the horses speed and agility... giggity giggity

  3. Studying the charts and finding good value plays.

    If it were simple we'd all be winners.

  4. you have to learn for the rest of your life, but when you bet on the two years horse. You must look at their sire and their feature like strong and have lot of energy.

  5. Yes, there is a really good "system".  It really works & works well.

    It's a lot to read, but it's worth your while.

    Good luck.

  6. Go with your gut...which ever horse you like, bet it...charts and past performances will help but you cant really pick a horse to win every time....just go with what you like.

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