
Anyone know of any open face drivers that are affordable and can help me stop hooking the ball?

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Anyone know of any open face drivers that are affordable and can help me stop hooking the ball?




  1. The TaylorMade r7 Superquad TP has a 1* open club face, thats really the only one I know of that's 'open'.

    Also try moving the ball a little more forward in your stance and taking a little bit more of a 'weaker grip'.  Those in combination with a 'slightly open' club face at address will eventually work out for you.  ....Just changing to a 1* open Driver won't do the trick.

    Good luck.

  2. Not many available.  Usually you are lucky to find one with a square face leave alone open.  If you find one it will be made for tour players and not generally what I would consider "affordable".  You could try a few other things, like changing your grip or swing path, or if you don't want to do that just get a really super X stiff shaft put in the driver so you can't close up the face before contact.

  3. Its not the club. You are releasing the club at the ball too soon. Try to hold off on the release as long as possible. Then explode into the ball. You may also try to move it back 3 inches in your stance.

  4. Taylormade Superquad TP *1 open i think...

  5. The problem lies not in your driver...its in your swing....... I'd rely on a couple of lessons to correct your swing flaws before spending big bucks for a new driver that will do the same thing unless you correct the swing flaws.

  6. I believe that most drivers that fit under the "tour" designation are slightly open at address.  That being said, it is usually only 1 degree.

  7. Have you tried turning your right hand over ( if ur r- handed )

    if so, ben hogan has a driver u can move the weights around about 150.00

  8. Try getting fitted for the right combination of clubhead and shaft.  This will do you a LOT more good than an open faced driver.

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