
Anyone know of any other play money texas holdem besides party poker or empire poker?

by Guest11122  |  earlier

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Anyone know of any other play money texas holdem besides party poker or empire poker?




  1. Yup, check for a list of great poker sites serving customers worldwide.  You'll also find great bonus codes and deposit and withdrawal tips if you are a US resident.  But non-US residents can benefit from the great info there, as well.



  4. go to  and pick from many different poker rooms.  some give you free money  all also have free play   all U.S.A. friendly

  5. Doyles Room!

  6. I recommend  Titian Poker I have played on every site and Titian Poker is the best Poker site out there

  7. Yeah, try

    It is better than both and it has more players. It is one of the best sites for me

  8. (Pacific Poker)

    I've tried most over past few years and it is still the best. More flexible and interactive, it is pure quality. The casino option is also brilliant.

    I am not an employee¿


    and many others, pokerstars and  ultimate bet are good

  10. This answer only applies if you are of legal age.

    If you are, I'd recommend playing the "micro-limit" games vs. the play money games.  The reason is that the play money games quickly devolve into basically bingo, because invariably you end up with one and usually more than one person at the table pushing all-in every hand.....simply because they are play chips and they have nothing to lose.

    On the other hand, you can play micro-limit VERY cheaply, and while once in a while someone does that (pushing all-in every hand), it doesn't last long, because however small it's real money that they are using.  So the games are actually played with some attention to the game and some effort to win....some skill and attempt at learning, which is just what you want if you are learning to play poker, not idiots pushing all-in every hand and taking all the skill out of the game.

    I'm only strongly familiar myself with ultimatebet, but it has very cheap micro-limit games.  I mention this because if you are going to go this route you want to learn at very small real money amounts....and UB (ultimatebet) starts off at 0.01/0.02 blinds, that's one cent/two cent blinds.  The max buy-in at those tables is $2.00 and you can buy-in for 10 cents I believe, but that little is pointless.  Buying in for $1.00 at a time or $0.50 if you are really nervous makes more sense.  Then if you do what all beginner books advise you to do - wait for strong starting hands - you will likely get time and value out of your play at very least.  

    I don't know the other sites real well but some only go down to 0.05/0.10 (or possibly even higher) as their cheapest game.  That doesn't sound like much but it probably has a buy-in range of $2.00 to $5.00 I would guess....and that is more than you want to risk in the beginning while learning.  So look for a site that offers true "penny" poker for their micro-limit games if you do go this route.  

    Putting $20 into a real money account with micro-limit tables where you can buy-in at 0.50 to $1.00 would be my recommendation.  Then by using decent opening hand selection (developing the patience needed as a poker player), coupled with the fact that no matter how bad you may be at first you will win some hands just due to the odds and the structure of the game - that $20 will go a long, long ways to learning the game.  And it will even give you like-minded people who want to learn to talk to (some of them anyway.)

    If you don't yet know what hand beats what, you might stay with the play chip "bingo" games for a bit longer - but I'm quite sure that you'll see what I mean at some point about the game not being true due to people not really caring about the value of play chips.

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