
Anyone know of bizzare food restaurants in dallas, tx?

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thanks in advance for the mcdonalds, taco bell jokes.




  1. David P beat me to the punch with the Hare Krishna place... very good food.

    There's also Queen of Sheba, an Ethiopian restaraunt in Addison (I think).  Ethiopian and Somalian food is pretty unique and you have to eat with your fingers.  I havn't been there in awhile but when I have gone the food is great.

  2. Kalachandji's (off of I-30 east of downtown) is actually a great vegetarian indian restaurant run in and by the Hare Krishna temple.

    really cool... really odd...  really good food.

    After dinner, you can tour the temple gift shop and/or check out the temple itsself (but you have to take off your shows to do so)

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