
Anyone know of free homeschooling supplies and online classes?

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i have friends in different states that enrolled for free at and possibly connections academy, but i am unable to find information for free schooling in my area. i am on a limited income and cannot afford to school 4 children at $600+ a year for each of them.




  1. Where do you live. k12 is all over

    Email me and I will try to help, K 12 and connections academy are not the only online charter schools out there

  2. check out stuff like groups such as idea or forestt homeschoolers

  3. Have you checked to see if k12 offers a virtual academy in your state?  They have quite a few of them now.  Plus you could always google virtual academies for your state and see what turns up.

  4. Regarding free homeschooling curriculum, there is an organization called the Book Samaritan that gives away free used homeschool curriculum.  However, you have missed the August 15 deadline for fall material requests; try e-mailing someone at the organization and see if there will be another deadline for winter.  The link is below:

    It does/should not cost $600 a year to homeschool your children.  Homeschooling can be done a lot less expensively than that.  Following are some resources/ideas:

    Old Fashioned Education is a free curriculum based on older books.  The link is below:

    I own/moderate an online resource list/support group that has many links for free/low cost homeschooling resources.  Please free free to join; the link is below:

    Another source for free lessons/curriculum in many subject areas is; click on the following link.

    Also, you can always use library books, create your own lesson plans, use a child-led learning approach, use living books rather than textbooks, etc.

    If I knew the ages of your children, I could refer you to some other online resources.  If you need further information, please feel free to e-mail me.

    I hope the above information is helpful.

  5. Check with the local public school administration, they usually have books that you can use .at least they did in CA when I was homeschool through 9th grade.

    For high school you are on your own but many medium/large cities have stores that specialize in home schooling supplies you should look it up in the phone book.

    btw I never spent $500. a year on their homeschooling supplies I only spent a couple of hundred when I enrolled them in a highschool course to get a diploma.

  6. The Virtual Homeschool Group hosts free classes for homeschoolers, but this far into the semester all the classes are full. The student/teacher ratios are 2 (tutoring) to 10 (high school) students per class for the synchronous classes, so they do fill fast. The first seats in a class go to children of volunteer teachers. Any remaining seats go to the guest (non-teaching) family's children. I am a volunter teacher there. If you are willing to teach a class your kids will be in the first seat category. That is a pretty good deal since you teach one class but your kids can eroll in all the other classes they need taught by other moms. It can cut your teaching load to a fraction of what it would otherwise be, especially if you have multiple children. This is really nice when you have teen agers with classes such as chemistry, physics, advanced math, etc. The classes are taught by volunteer homeschool parents who enjoy or have special skills in the particular subject they teach. . Most classes are held in the group's online classroom where the students and teachers log in at a set time for class sessions.

    There are few supplies you will still need for these classes though. Some of them use homeschool curriculum (Chemistry uses Apologia) but most provide content in-course in the online classroom. All synchronous classes meet in a live, online classroom so you would need a mic and headphone combination.

    If you want more information about the co-op, to experience the online classroom, or to ask about volunteering, just e-mail me at and drop in to the VHSG website at

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