
Anyone know of non-lethal methods to control lake beavers and muskrats?

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I am involved with management of a homeowners association. Relocation is not allowed in my state but I do not want to kill trap. Anyone have any solutions for stopping beaver from gnawing down residents trees and muskrats from burrowing/eroding banks?




  1. call the animal patrol. they should help.

  2. I'll be closely watching for answers to this as I own 24 acres with a 5 acre lake on the property and I have a MAJOR beaver infestation!!!  They've backed up a tiny creek in my woods which has destroyed a path and about ten trees and now there is an entire wetland bog complete with bullfrogs and fish.  What trees are still standing in the water have all been girdled and are dead, they just haven't fallen yet.  On the east side of my lake another beaver family has taken out about 20 trees.   You can't wrap an entire woods with fencing.  I went to the DNR and picked up their list for people who manage beaver control and most wanted several hundred dollars per beaver that they trapped.  Another man said he'd trap for free IF I allowed him to trap all wildlife on my property.  It was tempting as the beaver are such a problem but I'm not going to allow someone to kill muskrat, mink, fox and coyotes among other things just to rid my lake of beaver.  The beaver keep damning up my d**n and we keep cleaning it out because it raises the water level so high I've lost half my orchard and makes it nearly impossible to mow certain areas.  If they'd leave my trees alone (and the d**n which they're building with the trees their munching down) I'd love to have them stay but it won't happen.  They naturally try raise water levels because it keeps them closer to their home while searching for food or if they have to get away from a predator.  That is what a documentary said.  They are very bold beavers; they swim right past us in the boat while fishing.  

  3. Infestation....Control

    Who do people think they are?

    Just because some developer comes in and shears off the top of a mountain and moves 5,000 people onto it, somehow now PEOPLE get the idea into their little tiny heads that  it is  the WILDLIFE are "Infesting" and, gosh,  HOW DARE THEY???


    I used to own a very large wetland, and I bought it BECAUSE of the beaver pond. My reason? I wanted to know that there was ONE PLACE ON THIS EARTH where wildlife could feel safe from the plundering and depredations of the creatures that I am deeply ashamed to have to confess I share the same species designation.

    Is anyone out there aware that beavers are the world's greatest engineers--without computers, graph paper, or self-righteous orations? All I can say is that at least beavers don't jump on the stump after they cut the tree down to give a speech about conservation. ...That beavers are arguably one of the most intelligent beings on this planet? That a beaver pond is the source from which the entire ecosystem survives and flourishes? All wildlife in the area drinks, feeds, and shelters from this pond, which beavers carefully maintain to a level which directly benefits mankind due to wise water/flooding control. Do any of you have even the remotest idea that much of the flooding in areas going from rural to suburban is due to the fact that beavers are being....hahahahah...."relocated"?

    Trust our wise DNR, building department, and other of our trusted public agencies, who do things like blast out stream beds to enhance salmon runs (remember the old adage, "fighting for peace is like -------for chastity?) to take care of these matters of vital importance for us.

    I have so much more to say, so much more, and if anyone wishes to discuss the matter, they are welcome to email me. I just wanted to throw in my two cents worth about the seemingly bottomless arrogance of  "Homeowners Associations" and their crocodile tears over a tree. If you hadn't STOLEN their habitat for your Instant Heritage McMansion to begin with, these animals would not be forced to grab whatever paltry scraps  you have left for them,  in their starvation.


    ***Handy Tip: to all of you here!!!! IF YOU DIDN"T WANT A BEAVER POND, YOU SHOULDN"T HAVE BOUGHT ONE !!!!!!!!!!!!   D.U.H.

  4. You could put rabbit fencing around the trees and also line the banks below the water line with rabbit fencing.   There is also a capsacin/hot pepper "paint" which can be applied to tree trunks that the rodents hate.

    I'd also do a Google search on beaver and muskrat control, and contact your state's Department of Natural Resources or the Fish & Wildlife Managment department for more ideas.  

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