
Anyone know of or have had postives and prosperous experience of moving to london to work?

by  |  earlier

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I will hopefull be coming in a year for employement and from what ive gathered ill likely expect to make 25, 000 even with a BA. Ill only be 24 and this will be my first time in a career. Hence this seems quite satisfactory to make this amount sunce ive been a student and broke. Are there any young professionals in the same pridicament that could give me a good outlook of this, since ive been getting lots of negative that i wont survive on this. I plan on being a regular young professional so not overdoing lavish spending but at the same time enjoying myself. Any advice will help .




  1. I say go for it because it sounds like a good oppurtunity and the salary is high- plus you could pay of your student debts. Good luck!

  2. Don't do it!! I worked in the City for a while and got sick of it! It's ok for, say about 2 - 3 years, but I started to struggle with aspects of my job, so I moved back home... Kent... Good luck

  3. go for it. i moved out of London because i couldn't get a job no matter how hard i tried but i have no qualifications, you have qualifications so you wont have any problems with that. i loved living in London it a nice place to live

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