
Anyone know of things used to make a loud chemical reaction?

by  |  earlier

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Not a bomb or anything...but something that makes a lot of noise...or explodes...using household materials...not like vinegar and baking soda...or Mentos and coke...but something much better




  1. There is a sort of toy known as a carbide cannon.  It looks like a miniature cannon.  You dump some calcium carbide down the barrel, add water, and wait a little while.  Then you hit a button on top that operates a sparking device just like a zippo lighter.  The sparks ignite acetylene gas which as been forming from a reaction between the water and the carbide.  This makes a loud bang which is reasonably safe if you follow all the precautions (such as staying away from the muzzle of the cannon and not trying to propel any missiles.)  You can continue to fire the cannon as long as the carbide reacts with the water.

    Carbide cannons are available by mail order.  The suppliers will probably know where you can get calcium carbide.

    An automated version of the carbide cannon is sometimes used by farmers to scare birds that threaten their crops.

  2. The best I know of, and dirt cheap, too, is:

    1 empty plastic 2 or 3 liter soda bottle with s***w-on lid

      A few small pieces of aluminum foil that fit inside the neck

      A small squirt of liquid toilet bowl cleaner (the works brand really works--dollar store)

    Shake and cap tightly outdoors, walk away about 60 feet.

    The aluminum reacts with the chemicals in the bowl cleaner to produce CO2, in about 1-2 minutes the bottle will swell up comically and burst with a sound like a shotgun.

    Do not do this indoors as it stinks like bowl cleaner and is heck to clean up. Most of the blast goes out the neck, so don't point it at anything. Leaves melted plastic and a trace of foil.

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