
Anyone know some evolution jokes?

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I need some clean jokes on Darwin or evolution for a science project.




  1. If I was an enzyme, I'd be RNA helicase so I could unzip your genes.

  2. Two guys are hiking when they turn a corner and come face to face with a big mountain lion. The lion looks at them and then crouches, about to charge.

    Without hesitation, one guy whips off his backback, pulls out a pair of running shoes, and sits down to replace his hiking boots with the running shoes.

    The other guy looks at him and says "Are you crazy? You can't outrun a lion!"

    The first guy, as he finishes lacing his running shoes, stands up and replies: "I don't have to run faster than the lion. I just have to run faster than you."


    This explains a  point about Darwin's theory that SO many people misunderstand.   It is *NOT* about competition between species (like predators and prey). It's about competition with members of your *OWN SPECIES*.

  3. A primatologist and a baboon are walking down the street. They meet a second primatologist who says, "Hey, what are you doing with that ape?"

    The first primatologist says, "Excuse me, you should know a baboon is not an ape. He's a type of old world monkey."

    The second one says, "Yes, I know that, but I wasn't talking to you."

    [More of a primate classification joke than an evolution joke, but kind of related]

  4. The artist Larson drew a cartoon on why "The real reason dinosaurs became extinct"

    Three dinos are smoking ...

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