My husband is Mexican (born here in the states, but his parents came over from Mexico). We also have a 1 year old son, and I would like to start learning to make authentic mexican dishes for him and my son. I am White and can't cook very well (by can't, I mean I rarely cook anything from scratch), so the easier the better. I don't mind spicy foods, because my husband and my son both love spicy foods.
I have asked his mother to help, but like most mexicans, they don't follow a recipe. They just know how to make it. Since I don't really cook very often, this makes it a bit difficult for me. His family is from the Northern Part of Mexico...near the border if that makes a difference.
I want AUTHENTIC, so things that are actually prepared and eaten in Mexico. If I want Americanized I can look in a cook book or go to a Mexican restaurant here in Wisconsin. Thanks for your help.