
Anyone know some unusual & painful ways to kill someone? (For a writer's class)?

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Anyone know any unusual and scary but also vaguely realistic ways a bad guy could kill his enemies that would terrify the average people? Not just stuff like bashing them over the head with an axe but something that would be his signature method, if that makes sense. For creative writing so don't worry I'm not a psycho or anything.

~ Judas Anubis




  1. Watch the "Saw" movie series....features some of the worst ways to die!

  2. Anything involving mental torture and/or rape before the kill will sicken most people.  Mental pain far outweighs physical pain.

    Edit : Also, dying by what your particular phobia is would be horrible.  Natalie Woods was terrified of dark water.  She drowned to death...

  3. Cut off each of their fingers then have them crawl through piles of sharp needles and if they are still alive slowly bleed them to death.

    PS: I am not crazy either, just very imaginative.

  4. Let them read your questions and bore them to death.

  5. Africa's animal kiss's. The way of the mercenaries who fought there.

    Every day in the papers, media or whatever, we learn of utterly barbaric forms of assassins, murderes who kill people in the cruelist of fashions.

    Take a page from the Mercanaries code of conduct! In Africa during the transition from Colonial rule, many were the autrocities committed by so pledged black African saviours who promised to revert their countries to fair, just, and lawful government for the benefit of all.

    History of course has proved few if any African states have acheived, established and retained or even remotely attained such fruits under black African rule!    

    So, came the mercenary. Intially to destroy an entity, but, more importantly later to seek out, kill or capture those leaders whose actions led to the mass killings and slaughter of millions of their fellow Africans.

    Punishment i.e. European and other standards re: hanging, the chair, firing squad all too quck! Yes. To quick, too good for them, no agonies for them to know or suffer. Whereas countless of their victims had suffered agonies in every form conceivable to even remotely comprehend.

    So, what was devised to ensure that these animals and scum of human civilzation should endure in agonies lasting days ??

    Simple, stripped bare they were given to wild animals (preferably wild pigs and like animals) who attacked and ate them)

    The animals trained i.e. do only so much harm then called off. Their victims screaming in agonies. Then a few hours later or the next day, the animals again released and repeated.

    Men\women whos crimes included the abuse, rape of young\ older women tied to rails and repestedly fu.... by wild dogs and others! Later and still alive, given to the pigs to finish off

    Some prisoners lasted for days. Agony their only companion. All their screams for mercy, forgiveness went unheard. Only they being reminded of what they had done. Huge pictures of their abused, tortured all too often dead victims pinned up everywhere for them to see.

    They were made to watch as well - until it was their turn!

    So to watched their victims who had survived, identified them, pass jugdement on them!

  6. Hang them upside down and stick with a bijillion tacks or nails your choice

    shoot out knees, then stomach, then finally head

  7. sneak up on them and slowly twist off their limbs on by one.

    then take one of the unyet twisted off arms and choke them to death with it, then twist off the arm and then twist the head off.

    yeee! i got the idea from onemissed call. japanese version

  8. He could move in next door wherever they go and play Christine Aguilera 24 hours a day full blast.

  9. 1. Drown them in a bowl of punch

    2. Strangulation with hair ribbons

    3. Slow guillotine

    4. Catapult them into a wall

    5. Dismemberment

    I'm not a psycho either.

  10. Try

    "The Pit And The Pendelum"

    by Edgar Allan Poe

    It has the traditional ways to kill people and stuff like that...might inspire you.

    Once on French TV I saw something really creepy about a band of murderers. They would always film the victim while chasing them with a knife in their own house. It was scary, because you would see the victim just before they were killed, but then it stopped filming. After each murder, the murderer would leave the film tape with the dead person.

    And the police found their headquarters, or at least a group point or something, and there were papers with pictures of people. Many of the pictures were already crossed out. They left a message using dymo-tape (I'll add a picture so you know what I mean) that read "There are seventeen of us." and also something else that I can't remember.

  11. Like the first girl said you could watch some saw movies (if your allowed) and have a look at some of those deaths.

    Also this is a kind of disturbing vid but its a good idea for what a psycho could do to his victims:

    It may only be a clamation but its pretty bad!

    I hope that gave you some ideas.

  12. Try Fox's Book of Martyres

    plenty of actual murders in here.

    Good luck

  13. Slow and painful. Skin them alive then chuck salt on the wounded skin. Then leave them there to die. pierce the lungs so they stop breathing. Wrap their face in cotton wool.

  14. Ever since I was little I have been terrified of being stabbed in the armpit. I know that is very strange & kinda funny.. but think about it.  On a 'few' occasions, my friends and I have gotten together over dinner & wine and discussed strange things like this. And everyone always agrees that it is a very awkward way to die.  If the killer were to do it in your "left pit", he/she could possibly penetrate the weapon into the heart.

    When I would fall asleep as a young girl I would never sleep with my arms over my head...I am sooo silly!

  15. are you sure its not just what you wanna do? im scared now.

  16. take out their body parts.

    rip out their intestines and hang them with it.

    take out toenails and chop them off one by one.

    autopsy while still alive.


    i think i'd better stop now.

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