
Anyone know some volleyball drills I can do by myself?

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Anyone know some volleyball drills because I want to try out for my volleyball team and I'm short and I stink.




  1. For setting, pick a spot on a high wall and continually set to that high spot from different locations. For hitting form, practicing "peppering", or hitting the ball to your self off a wall and try to keep going without stopping or having to move out of position. Keep your arm high and snap your wrist. Bulgarian drills: start at one end of the net in defense ready position, jump like you are blocking a hit on the far corner of the net, come down do a one step slide in towards the middle of the net and jump again like you are blocking. Do this again toward the middle of the net and then repeat towards the outside of the net. Practice your 3, 2 and 1 step approaches for hitting. Get a bag of balls and place a chair in different spots of all the zones for serving. Try and hit the chair to improve accuracy.

  2. Do not let your height discourage you. You can make up for blocks and spikes by being better in other ways. I played volleyball and am a 59 year old woman . My strong points were my quickness, a good serve, and I could get to the low balls faster than taller people.I also could dive and dig the ball up faster than the taller people. Don't short change yourself! Pardon the pun ........I am 4'11".

    Some points on volleyball will depend on where you are playing. If you are outside, work on your serve even with no net. If you over hand serve,it is about timing and having you hand straight. You would toss the volleyball up and then either jump up and hit it with you palm (aiming towards the net and high enough) or just hit it straight with the heel of your palm. I always wear a wristband as I used to get too bruised up on my hand serving. If you are allowed to underhand serve, go behind a serving line and bring your arm back straight away from your body and hole the ball in front of you as you keeop the arm straight and following through the serve until your arm is about waist high, hitting the ball with your fist closed but still using the heel of your palm and following through over the net. It's important to aid in direction when you get the ball, to entwine your fingers of both hands (almost like a cup) and bump the ball to set it up for another person in the front row. If you want the ball to go right or left as you run for the ball.......still holding most of your position, angle the hand with the direction of the thumb left or right to guide it.

    Practicing outside with another person (s) is better but I have used the back of a building, brick wall, etc. to practice the serve and bump the ball.......which is used in setting to another person. I believe in bouncing and handling the ball to get used to the ball may be too hard or too soft and you need the special pumpt to let air out or pump air in until it gets to bouncing well but not too hard. Try overhand and underhand serves along with the bumps. If you have a net..even though I am short...I was still able to have both hands up and ready and tip it over the net (which are hard for the other side to get) I have even blocked the ball. If you are taller than I can jump up and spike it......trying to hit the ball in an open spot and staying inbounds. Also practice taking the ball and holding it as you move from side to side or up and back to give you agility and speed. Practive diving to the floor with your hands together and hit the ball up. You should wear a good set of volleyball need pads. I learned the hard way. Also...........always stretch out , the calfs . arms etc. to warm the muscles up. It will help with no getting injuries by having a cold start. Beach volleyball is in full swing on the weekends. It is a little different but the moves, bumps, serves etc,  will give you great pointers. Check it out. So much to type here about the game. Hope I have helped and don't give up. I was the best server and have served up to 13 pts. with many aces. We each have our strong points playing Vball and that's team work. Go get "em! Good luck!

  3. 1. Find a tall wall (16 to 20 feet) and practice setting and bumping against the wall.  

    2. Practice setting and bumping into a basketball hoop.  It improves your aim.  Don't feel that it has to go in, but the ball should at least contact the rim most of the time.

    3. It's hard to practice serving w/o a net and court, but you can work on how hard you hit the ball, spinning it, etc. Make a line (even if in your mind) on a wall, stand back the right distance and try to serve within a space 1 to 2 feet above that line.  Practice a forward spin, forward and side (i.e., curve and drop), and the dreaded no-spin serve.

    4.  You can practice the reach-and-roll drill w/o a ball.  Or you can toss one to the side and reach-and-roll for it.

    It's hard to practice spiking w/o a net and either a setter or the ball post.  But if you can find the time on an empty net, go work on the mechanics of spiking.  Throw the ball up in the air and spike it.  If you can at least demonstrate to the coach that you can do some of the timing, he'll help you with the rest.

    Good luck.  It's a wonderful sport that you can continue to play years after high school and college.

  4. PHD's my coach made it up and it was insane but good work

    run a lap around your gym house neighborhood whatever then jump up and down as high as you can go for thirty seconds then do a suicide and run around whatever you started running around at first then do some warm up drills like lunges(spelling I'm pretty sure is wrong), or over the fence under the fence where you have an imaginary fence you're climbing over and going under and then run another lap and tada! a PHD hard work but it pays off in the end

  5. for serving find a spot on a wall and just try and hit that spot everytime then change spots after a while. Thats good for helping you aim and being able to put it in the spot you want it

  6. Suicides

  7. Receiving/bumping drill:

    One good drill I have found to be very effective is to hit the ball against the wall hard enough for the ball to come back at a downward angle so that you can receive it cleanly back to a point on the wall (your setter)

    hope this helps!

  8. Yes

  9. bump the ball against the it as many times without messing up...

  10. bump the ball against the wall, or set it against the wall, spike it against the wall

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