
Anyone know someone who works for Telefonica?

by  |  earlier

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I'm not trying to bug them, I have a question I need to ask and some information I need to give and everytime I email the website I get the same response and it's nothing to do with my query!!





  1. I take it you are in Spain and an English speaker? If you are, call 1004, and ask for someone to speak English, easiet way is to simply ask if they speak English, they will normally put you through to someone who does speak english. As with anything, get the nema of the person you have spoken to, speak slowly and clearly. I ahve had to speak with Telefonica many times and not had any problems

  2. sorry no help

  3. As previous lister, when the Spanish operator answers, ignore their first question, then in responce to their second question , say very clearly 'English Speaking Please', this should then get you an English Operator.  I wish you luck!

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