
Anyone know specifically why ferrets are banned in California? ?

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I want to get a ferret as a pet cuz their so cute but the bad thing is I live in California where they are banned :(




  1. because they bite their owners and others so often.

  2. They are a member of the weasel family, and the only weasels allowed in California are elected to public office.

  3. CA is one of those weird states that still considers ferrets to be a "wild" animal, even though they've been domesticated for thousands of years. They also believe that if a couple ferrets escape or are set loose in the wild, then they'll join together, form large feral colonies, and then spread diseases and pose a threat to other wildlife. However, those of us that actually know enough about ferrets know that's not a possibility. Ferrets rely so heavily on humans that they would most likely die shortly after  being released into the wild. There's also the fear of rabies, even though there are zero reports of a ferret transmitting rabies to a human. Ferrets are also thought to carry "dumb rabies" rather than "furious rabies" (in other words, it won't act aggressive and try biting people, it will instead become very lethargic and want little to do with people or other animals). Here's some more info on CA's stand against ferrets:

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