
Anyone know stuff about pianos?

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I am a newby learning how to play the piano. I am having a little trouble reading sheet music for the things the left hand has to play. I don't know exactly what notes go where on the sheet music.

Like with one chef the notes are F-A-C-E for the spaces and things like that.

What are the notes for the left handed one.

Once again I am a huge newby at this.

If anyone could help that would be completely awesome.




  1. Treble Clef (right hand) is:

    lines = E - G - B - D - F

               Every Good Boy Do Fine (to remember it easier)

    spaces = F - A - C - E

               or face

    Bass Clef (left hand) is:

    spaces = A - C - E - G

              All Cows Eat Grass

    lines = G - B - D - F - A

               Good Boys Do Fine Always

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