
Anyone know that mathematical answer on how aliens dont exist?

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It went something like, if aliens lived 40 light years away the earliest it would take them to travel 40 light years to us would be 40 years at the speed of light, but molecules break at 1/50 of the speed of light so it would take them 4000 regular years, and nothing lives 4000 regular years obviously. it went along the lines of that.




  1. News story yesterday says the universe may be smaller than currently thought, so there may be hope.

  2. Molecules do not break up at 1/50 the speed of light.  I don't know where you heard that, but either they were wrong or you misunderstood.

  3. I think you were just giving an example of what you were looking  for . I know what you mean. Any of the scientists on here should be able to tell you. I tend to agree more with "Be witched". I think they have other ways to get here that we don't know about.

    Edit...How about this? Maybe they have Space Stations set up all over the universe that we don't know about...and they give birth to children there..and the children learn how to fly the space ships and grow up to be aliens who visit our planet.

  4. Aliens sleep with russians

  5. Only if you believe in what is known as the speed of light.  The other thing is that there is something humans do that would bring them here...we dream.

  6. And who says aliens can't live 4000 years?  How would anyone know?

  7. Whatever this equation is, trust me, it is flawed and easily disproven.

    The opposite of this is the drake equation. In general, however, if aliens did exist, it is possible that they have technology that would be greater than ours, and thus any scientific argument would be flawed.

    However, it would take them a really long time to get here with modern technology and physics, as the nearest start is like over a few hundred thousand light years away, with light being the fundamental limit on the speed we can travel.

  8. I saw Carl Sagan use a simple formula to make a conservative estimate for the possibility of other civilizations existing extra-terrestrially. It turns out it's very likely that aliens do exist.

    It is far less likely that an alien civilization has visited Earth. The distances are enormous. It's probably not worth the commute.

    Taking a bit of a leap, who knows what advancements will be made by us humans. Even two hundred years ago computers,  televisions, and a moon landing would have been thought impossible. At the rate we are progressing there are a lot of things considered impossible that may happen. Other civilizations in the universe may already be doing those things. One thing might be getting around the light-speed problem.

  9. and have you ever thought that aliens do not exist in other planets but in another dimensions parallel to ours?

  10. That doesn't mean they don't exist, it just means they haven't visited planet Earth.  The equation is assuming ET aliens are able to travel here and, more importantly, know we're here to begin with.  Our planet is a grain of sand in the ocean.  How would they even know we're here?

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