
Anyone know the best website to get info about relocating to a new city?

by  |  earlier

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The website that will give me information about different states...populations... the minority benefits....general weather conditions throughout ...everything health benefits senior areas etc.




  1. which city are you referring to ?

  2. I don't know if it would help,but i always like a bird's eye view. You can get that from google earth and map quest. they show you the layout,help you estimate travel times, etc.

  3. U haven't clearly mentioned which city you want to visit, In India itself there are more than 100 cities and providing information about those locations. However I am suggesting a website about India from where you can get the India related authentic information.

  4. What city are you referring to?

  5. What kind of info?  information about the city itself, or about the actual move, packing, hiring movers, drivers, etc.

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