
Anyone know the details? Hillary tried to get the FBI to assemble dossiers on Bill's political enemies.?

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I think it was his first term, Hillary tried to pressure FBI to assemble dossiers and keep tabs on people who disagreed with Bill.




  1. There were several hundred FBI files requested by and delivered to the "Chief of Security" at the White House. They were allegedly needed to check out people who had applied for a job at the White House or belonged to those who already worked there and were holdovers from the administration of George Bush the Elder. A reporter for the Washington Times first broke the story. A list of those whose records had been delivered to this "security" guy in the West Wing was made public. I almost fell out of my chair when I read the list. My name was on it. I had never applied for or held a job in the White House. My only connection may have been a letter I sent to the President which was critical of one of his proposed policy initiatives.

    I think the Washington Times reporter's name was Salmon or something like that.

  2. Only an investigator or reporter would have details of this attempt by Hillary to censor Americans. Others could summarize them for you.

  3. Hillary Clinton uses influence to spy on enemies of Bill Clinton just like utilizing the FBI and it is like the type the Republicans used that resulted to the Watergate scandal forcing Nixon to resign.  Many politicians use agencies to monitor their rivals and it is often a practice of those in power.

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