
Anyone know the procedure of removing a pilonidal cyst? How long is the procedure? What is involved in it?

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Anyone know the procedure of removing a pilonidal cyst? How long is the procedure? What is involved in it?




  1. i had one removed years ago and was in hospital for 5 days but things have moved on since then and now, you would just be a day patient.

    You'll be a bit sore afterwards but it's worth it to be free of the things because they can reoccur if removed.


  2. hi there. i had one removed four months ago and was left with an open wound to heal from the bottom up....its still healing. but here is a web site i think you will find extremely helpful. its got everything you could possibly want to know.

  3. Just an incision and some drainage. But then again, depends how big/severe the cyst is. I had one about two years, it didn't take that long. However, mine was at the hospital(my sister had one about four years ago, her surgery took an hour at the clinic) because I was too sensitive. I got there at 6am. Then they did some stuff on me-IV. I remember falling asleep from the anesthesia around 10 and waking up from it around 1. The surgery took about an hour though. After that, I went home and just came back for the follow up-s once a week. After a while, it was twice a week, then every three weeks.  

  4. it usually requires a usually simple incision and drainage.   See attached website for more info.

  5. There are different kinds of surgery you can have to remove a pilonidal cyst, it just depends on you, your doctor, and the severity. I just had surgery about a week ago to remove mine. It only took about 45 minutes and I was put completely asleep. Afterwards they stitched up the area and applied some bandages to help it heal correctly. They told me it will take about 10 days to heal completely (the stitches are the type that will dissolve). All they do is cut open the area and then work to remove all the contents of the cyst (hair, liquids, etc) This website lists all the different types of procedures you can use to have your cyst removed and I found it really helpful:

    Hope it helps! Mine was a very positive experience!

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