
Anyone know the total dollar cost to the USA of the iraq invasion and occupation thus far?

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how about Afghanistan?

thanks in advance for your response. I am doing some research on this matter to inform myself. As a citizen, surely it is a good thing to inform yourself...agreed?




  1. trillions

  2. About a trillion dollars?

  3. The war in Iraq is up to 660 Billion and another 200 Billion for af.  Nice right.  Oh and 1800 billion for africa to cure aids.  Not here, but in aferica.

  4. Congress is about to budget more. Once that happens, the total amount we'll be committed to spending since the GWOT started after 9/11 (fiscal year 2001- fiscal year 2009):

    - 857.3 billion (that's gonna be FY2001-FY2009). That's for Iraq, Afghanistan , the whole "war on terror" and the hookers and blow the soldiers need, to keep up moral of course.

    That breaks down to:

    - Iraq (Operation Iraqi Freedom) itself is going to be budgeted at 656.1 billion for FY2001-FY2009.

    - Afghanistan (operation eduring freedom, AKA "the forgotten war") will be at 172.6 billion (FY2001-FY2009).

  5. The mainstream media doesn't give out real numbers; Only those on the inside really know.

  6. Oh you mean Operation Enduring Freedom, you mean that war right, this invasion stuff and occupation thing, have no idea what your talking about.

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