
Anyone know their urban legends?

by  |  earlier

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The only ones i know are the boogyman and bloody mary, i know there's alot more, but what are they?




  1. We have a bridge with a train track under it.  You stop on the bridge turn your car and lights off and you are supposed to hear screaming from someone that died on the tracks.  WHAT REALLY HAPPENED when me and my ex husband did 20 years ago was....... We went on Halloween (my bday) turned the car and lights off, waited for a while.  Then gave up, turned the car on and standing right in front of us was some guy in a black robe holding a staff, he had a black hood on. Scared the c**p out of us so we rolled out at about 600 mph, didnt slow down til we got home.

  2. Eating Pop Rocks and drinking soda makes your stomach explode

  3. the hook man, the lake lochness monster. those are some more.

  4. There's the one where a teenage girl is babysitting two children. She spends the night at their house, and they're asleep by the time she gets there and the parents leave. Throughout the evening she starts getting creepy, harassing phone calls. Eventually she gets annoyed and afraid so she calls the phone company to ask them to trace the call and block it. When the phone company calls back they tell her the calls are coming from the phone upstairs...

  5. I like the one about gangs who drive around with their lights off, and then they follow and kill whoever flashes their highbeams at them

  6. Check out

  7. the lechuza!! thats an old mexican folktale, although being mexican doesnt limit you to having experiances with the lechuza either.   its a tale a bout a witch who was turned into an owl long ago ( hence the name "lechuza" which is owl in spanish) but it is said to be a bad omen to get a visit from this bird. it looks like and old woman's face and a birds body. it is human sized. it can take shape or form of anything to trick you. if you have ever had a conversation with a lechuza it is because it is not in its true form. some people tell the story as a half bird half human who pecks your eyes out while you sleep. legends are told many different ways, but superstition plays alot of part in your beleifs of urban legends, so does religion.   some say that if you go outside at midnight and whistle  you will get a very bad visit from the lechuza.  or if you have ever been walking somewhare in the dark, and you hear whistling following you it is the witch. three knocks on your door or window, is a bad omen of which you will see this lechuza. it is also said that if you talk to a lechuza it will not leave you alone, infact it will follow you around. seeing this bird is aslo said that some one has sent negative energy your way, weather it being that some one is jealous of you has hatred torward you or what ever the case may be, if you see the lechuza it is because some one has sent it to you.

    people have also beleived that if you catch the lechuza and put it in a cage to watch the sunrise it will turn into a beautiful woman that it once was " a witch who was cursed by her people for being just that" or if the lechuza takes form as something else and you beleive it is not the real person, cage her and by morning time you will have the person who has sent the bad energy to you. this bird is said to be many things. like this old woman said that her husband died and she always herd him speaking to her but saying mean things. and one day she got a knock at her door and it was her husband, although she knew better it was the lechuza!!

    now those are all the different ways that people have told their stories and personally i am superstitous as well i have had an experiance with the lechuza as many of my family and freinds.  and like i said it is a bad omen. weather it be personal with some one you have problems with or spiritual.  my friend saw the lechuza walking home from a party one night and she was sober! she said it kept whistling at her as if it was walkig right behind her , she would turn around and it would be gone. but she herd the whistilng all the way home, right before she got to the front porch she saw the lechuza in her yard staring at her. of course she ran inside and hugged her bible. but there the lechuza stayed outside her window whistling all night long.  that sunday she asked her priest why she has seen this bird, and most people would say " have you don something bad to someone else?"  but it could like i said be spiritually as well. of course the priest told her to bless her house.

  8. Hmm... well there's that one "urban legend" in my school about some dead janitor who delivers pizza or something like that.

  9. big foot

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