My son is 5, just started kindergarten 2 weeks ago, will soon be 6, and I'm about to rip my hair out. I've been working with him, his little brother and sister for the past year on the alphabet, saying each letter, recognizing the letters when they see them, and writing the letters. My problem is this. My 4 year old daughter can recognize and write the whole alphabet, upper and lower case, writes her name, soon to be six year old won't even try. I've tried starting with A, and I'll ask him what it is, and he'll say C. Everything is a C. I'll say it's an A and then ask him again what it is, and he'll say C. I've tried magnets, flash cards, games, etc...and it doesn't work. I'm going Crazy, I've spent 2 years trying to teach him, and everything is still a C. He won't write his name or anything.