
Anyone know websites to care for chickens?

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i would like to know what chickens should eat and whats not good for them etc...




  1. YES

    here are 2 fantastic links..

    the first is about chickens in general.. the second is about good breeds for pets..

    I have 4 hens, they eat LAYING RATION, and get CHICKEN SCRATCH as a treat, they also like bananas, strawberries, and tomatoes.

    read the links!

  2. is a good place to order chickens and its got some supplies, feed, and books

    you should just give them normal chicken feed, and you can feed them vegetables

  3. If you go to your local feed store you ca buy chicken feed for real cheep. but all they realy need is that and water.

  4. Check out this site:

    It's a great resource for anyone keeping chickens!

  5. This is my second time owning chickens. First we had 4 and now we have 6. If you have a farmers co-op around that is a good place to get everything you would need. Or you can just order from offline. (Since its a wider selecion.)

    we ordered our chicken from This is a great site. I go on there to find everything i need to know. Theres so much info and so much to buy.

    I would suggest giving them maily chicken feed. And throw in some veggies every once in a while so they can peck at them. This give them something to do rather then to start pecking at eachother which can lead to problems.

    *Chicken have whats called a pecking order that shows dominace. And it isnt always a good thing.*

    They also love bugs. So letting them out of their coop/run someitmes is good. Ours are almost 2 months old and not allowed out of the run till they are full grown but we will allow them to be out almost all day. chicken will know when the sun goes down to go back into the coop.

    I suggest going onto the site and checking things out. Also call around to your local stores and see what they offer for chickens.

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