
Anyone know what's going on with my sprinklers?

by  |  earlier

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I have a sprinkler system installed and it was working just fine until my battery died in the brain of it all. So, I replaced it and the brain works. I set it on it's schedule and it goes through the schedule fine but the water is not shooting out now?? What happened and are there any trouble shooting tips I could try? Thank you!




  1. You might want to check the water pressure, it might not be strong enough.

  2. all that the battery does is hold the program when there is a power outage, it may look like it is working on the battery ,but the battery cannot produce the 24 volts that the solenoid on the valve needs to operate.i am a irrigation service tech of 22 years ,and would be willing to bet that the fuse in the timer has blown .problem # one solved ,replace fuse with the same amps. ,take it with you when you go to buy THEM .you are going to need more than one . second ,replace fuse and manually turn each station on for about 2 minuets until the fuse blows again ,then note what number the station was that blew the fuse ,look inside the timer were the wires are connected ,the timer will have the numbers of the stations listed above or bellow each wire .for instance if station 2 is the culprit ,find #2 connection and see what color the wire is .now go to were your valves are ,usually in a green box outside in the ground ,find the same color wire and follow it to the solenoid on the valve ,turn the water off to the system and replace the solenoid with a new one ,of the same .

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