
Anyone know what Sarah is wearing tonight for her speech?

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I mean, we heard all about Hillary's outfits...why not Sarah's? The RNC so far has been a cure for insomnia, some info about Sarah can liven things up...after all, the Repubs really don't want us focusing on REAL issues now, do they?

Think it'll be a designer suit? What haircolor does she use?





  1. You know, that's TRUE.. there was a ton of media-mention about Hillary's ORANGE pants suit.. chosen to stand-out and be memorable blah blah blah vs. Obama's wife's light green/outfit the day before, etc. and... nothing, this time around for Sarah Palin.

    Then again, Palin can step out with 5" heels (she's got feminine ankles that can be shown-off, compared to what holds Hillary off the ground).

    Palin can be a fashion goddess, in essence, and launch 1000s of mentions about her glamour or look, send reverberations around from the Far Right to the 'q***r Eye' Left.. In the face of this media-made maelstrom.. she can show the Power of an attractive woman, to stop the world on a dime, because she's wearing heels & maybe a blouse that's one button "too" open??? (how about that?)... Let's see Hillary or Biden or Obama's wife try to compare with what 44 yr old Palin and 50+ yr old Cindy McCain (don't forget, who can hold her OWN vs. Palin, at that!) bring to the stage?!!?!


    Know what would REALLY make a statement -- if she wore the SAME Orange Pants suit that Hillary wore, and BLEW Hillary completely out of the water with the way she wore it... it won't happen, but many wouldn't that add something new, to this DAILY soap opera of an Election.

  2. I would suggest she wear her hair down (with blonde high lights) wear a really tight blouse and a tight short business suit with high heels.  The old republican men in the audience with their viagra will be hard and turned on and will practicially run to vote for her.

    Of course when they show the clips about her life story she should have one of herself in a bikini during the pageant competition.

  3. bikini and a shot gun?

  4. Sarah should come out in a black dress.  Something kinda spooky and mysterious like what Stevie Nicks would wear.

    Have her face painted in a very gothic manner.  White powdered with black highlights.  May as well do the old Bon Jonvi haircut...that "boy girl" rebellious rock n roll job.  Black nails and a tongue ring.  A bright red rose tatoo at her cleavage.

    The lights should darken with a bright spotlight on her and lots of wind.  Maybe she can come out with the Mike Savage theme song.

  5. a beer, a shotgot, brown lip liner and lip gloss with caked on mascara, her glasses and her old shirt that says "I may be broke but I'm not flat busted" Check it out

  6. Hopefully, sackcloth and ashes.

  7. I'm pretty sure that she'll be wearing CLOTHES!  Now, do you want to talk about some issues?  I'm a Republican and I DO want to focus on them.  I'm ready for all the thumbs down because it's been PROVEN on this site that the libs are more for bashing than dealing with issues.

    Obama’s socialist spending plans are aimed at equalizing wealth; with “hope” and “change”, the exact mantra of Fidel Castro. We will all be equal, equally poor just as they are in Cuba now. Another fellow that has had Obama’s platform was popular in 1917. His name was Valdimir Lenin and we know what a success that was. Obama by the way admits to being an admirer of Karl Marx.

    Of course most of Obama’s rhetoric is absolute B.S. Fortunately, if he does manage to become our President, the congress and senate will be able to moderate him just as they did the most incompetent Nancy Pelosi.

    Obama is lickin’ his chops over the military budget. He intends to dessimate our military. He doesn’t give a c**p about U.S. security or takin’ the fight to the enemy. He wants to spend that money not save it. He has a bill right now on the floor of the Senate called the “Global Poverty Act”. $300 billion (the same we have spent defending this nation since 9/11) to give to the United Nations to “FEED THE WORLD”. Obama was against the war. He has never said WHY.

    What Obama is proposing is socialism and it does not work. It is not my responsibility to feed other nations. It is the responsibility of those nations to feed their people. I could care less if someone who has never been to the United States likes the image portrayed by the Liberal media. As far as giving….the citizens of the United States give more than any government BY FAR including our own. Tsunami victims ring a bell. So who really cares? If liberals donated blood as much as conservatives the blood supply would increase 50%. Conservatives donate money at an even higher rate compared to Liberals. And when it comes to getting off the couch and actually donating time…24 to 1. Mostly Christian Conservatives. So when hurricane Katrina hit and you saw on TV all those volunteers who came out to help, for every 25 people in the shot, only 1 liberal. And I think that was Sean Penn.

    Also, he is NOT a Christian. This country was FOUNDED on Christian values and hundreds of thousands have fought and died to preserve the very freedoms we enjoy today, and the libs want to take that away from us?  Oh he11 NO.  Obama was the only IL state senator to vote against the Born Alive Infants Protection Act, which required medical care to be given to live infants who survived abortions. I find that absolutely disgusting!  A true Christian would NEVER do that!! That kind of person is NOT who I want running the country I so love.

  8. "a moose costume"

    Sorry - I can't top that.

  9. I think it's Donna Karen tonight, goddamned special interests!

  10. nothing

  11. A moose costume.

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