
Anyone know what a h**l Hound is? If its something evil, how do you kill it?

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Anyone know what a h**l Hound is? If its something evil, how do you kill it?




  1. a hellhound is a evel spirit that seeks out the good for the list to the devil so he knows who to inflict with sin all you have to do is be bad

  2. Traditionally, a h**l hound is an evil spiritual hound that bedevils people. It probably evolved from the ancient Celtic belief in the "Wild Hunt", where a less than pleasant huntsman and his hounds rode by night, hunting for prey. If you saw them, you were it, and they'd chase you down.  Also Greek beliefs included Cerberus, the hound that guarded h**l, and the Norse believed in the Fenris wolf.  How to kill one? I don't know. Holy water or holy symbols should help. Maybe a ball of hamburger soaked in Prestone?(Sorry, couldn't resist!)

      If you think you are being persued or oppressed by an evil spirit, consult a cleric/druid/shaman/witch of your faith and ask for help!

    Best wishes, Arthur

  3. You don't kill the good guys !!

    USMC - Devil Dogs -

  4. It's a mythical creature, supposed to be evil. Don't worry about having to kill one, they don't exist.

  5. I had read a sci-fi novel back in 1979 about h**l hounds.  They are dogs that pick out a victim, tear him to pieces with their sharp teeth and kill him slowly and excruciatingly.  Then the victim comes back to life in good health and they are there waiting to attack him all over again, tearing him apart once more.  This cycle of attack and kill, come back to life, attack again goes on for all eternity.  You never want the h**l hounds to pick you out because once they do, there is no escape, no relief and no death and you can't kill a h**l hound.

  6. h**l hounds are three headed dogs, thought to be decendants of Cerebus.

    If you are playing a warrior, you need at least a +10 sword which casts +2 light and some heavy duty armor. The light will weaken thier attacks.

    If you are a magic user, use any spells of protection you can, and heavy duty magic missles.

    They are not easy to kill, I lost two characters to them before finally getting past them.

    The key is, if your character isnt at least level 15, then dont bother, they will just rip you to shreds. They are tougher than red dragons, but not as tough as a silver dragon.

  7. a very evil man

    Cerberus: (Greek mythology) the three-headed dog guarding the entrance to Hades; son of Typhon

    In mythology, a hellhound is a demonic dog of h**l, referring especially to Cerberus, the hound of Hades from Greek mythology.

    Kill it by giving it meat stuffed with garlic and a cross.

  8. sounds like what they called the dog in The lost boys

    A dog, that protects a vampire during the day

  9. A mythical large dog. You cannot kill something that doesn't exist.


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